Our Commitment . . .
Jesus Messiah Ministries is devoted to unapologetically teaching the TRUTH of God’s Word from the first verse in the Bible to the last, as originally written inspirationally by God. We strive to be a Holy Spirit filled Body, operating with the gifts of the Spirit to the benefit of the whole Body of Christ. Being created in God’s image, we recognize that every person, regardless of natural differences, is equally important to God and each one brings something unique and valuable to the Body of Christ.
Our worship times include all the elements of a church body defined in the Bible and we teach just Like Jesus did, in informal settings around the table, as well as with preacher-lead sermon lessons and “guest pastor” presentations. Children are welcome to come and learn alongside their parents.
Did You Know . . .
A “church” is not a building! That’s right! It’s a gathering of people for the purpose of worshiping God. The people are the “church!” 

Our Team 
Sharolyn Wilson, Pastor & Teacher Pat Black, Partner & Teacher
Jesus Messiah Ministries, Inc., 2018 Jesus Messiah Ministries, Inc., 2018
Ministry Ordination, St. James College Seminary, 2015
Chaplaincy Certification, St. James College Seminary, 2015
We Support . . .
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – IFCJ.org
Jews for Jesus – jewsforjesus.org
Awaken Reno – awakenreno.org
Samaritan’s Purse – samaritanspurse.org
Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker, also
to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier,
and to the church that meets in your home: Grace
and peace to you from God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ.~ Philemon 1:2
Jesus Messiah Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 18453 775-771-2529 jesusmessiahministries@yahoo.com
Reno, NV 89511